Tuesday, July 3, 2012


In UP, sablay is a symbol of graduation and honor. Hence, the reason why UP graduates wear this on their graduation day. But in real world, sablay is what you should avoid because it will or it might jeopardize everything.

 I am a fresh graduate from UP and is now working. At work, I often experience committing sablay. This mess creates an impression to my officemates about me and how I perform my duties and responsibilities. Maybe, just maybe, these mistakes are manifestations that I am not really learning my obligations. I believe that I have been in this agency for too long and that they are expecting me to have learn already my lessons, but what's wrong with me? Or is it about me or them?

Whenever we commit sablay, we often look for something or someone to blame for our mistake. This is an excuse to delve on the genuine reason why we have these sablays or why we commit them over and over again. I already know my reason, I just do not want it published. It's somehow personal and I have nothing to blame but myself.

So if you're a fresh grad and new on your job or at least have been doing that job since after graduation, I must commend you if you haven't experienced committing your own sablay yet. 

I think that sometimes it's about other people and not me, but if you will look at the bigger picture, it will only boil down to me- the person who does the work, the duties, and taking care of their tasks. I cannot find the purpose of this blog entry anymore, maybe this is just how I am feeling and thinking right now- so lost with all these sablays.   

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