Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Catching up

There are so many things to write about and to blog about here, albeit I find the time as a blocking body that inhibits me to blog, or maybe it’s just me who does not find time to blog and to share various experiences.  I’ve been inactive in the blogging sphere for almost two months already. Well, I have reasons which range from academics to personal. I was very busy finishing my thesis and doing so many projects, and taking exams in the previous months. What makes me busy now is job hunting. I should’ve written all my experiences from various interviews and exams from different companies and from bunch of industries. I have a lot of interesting stories to share, but I guess those narratives are reserved for upcoming pages here.

Academics. I was very busy perusing piles of reading materials for my classes last semester, particularly for my thesis. It must admit that doing thesis is problematic when you have different perspective in your initial proposal to the time you finish your final draft. Exams were suicidal when productions and written exams collide in a week- this means that you have to write script, shoot you video materials, and edit your footages, and then you have to read and review for another exam. Imagine this cycle in just one night. Yes, in just one sleepless night. To those who are belittling my course, the hell with you. This seems easy for you, but heck my school is UP Mass Comm and we experience doing these things over and over again.

Personal. This category should have been sorted from extracurricular activities to more personal activities, or not. I am currently the Master Councilor of DeMolay Pangasinan and I have to manage our organization to meet our objectives for this term. We have to do projects, meet, and drink- the last one is optional. Aside from this, I have this more personal sphere of my life, which covers my love life and my family life. I wanted to spend more time here, but due to some constraints such as the academics, what I want is usually not met. So I have to make time for those missed times with Lyle and family.

Job hunting. I have a DeMolay brother who called me one night and asked if I am already employed. This is because his sister who happen to graduate cum Laude, too with a degree in Tourism is not yet hired. I told him that I am just waiting for calls. He was worried that even Laudes in the premiere university in the country is not automatically hired. I told him that maybe it was before, but now with more competitive graduates but less job openings, the only edge that UP graduates have is their ideologies and independence, and these things are not absorbed in school rather these are learned in the process of learning while in school.

My series of fortunate events in job hunting will be shared later here. I have to prepare to go in UP, and this time to get my graduation photos. Ask me who’s excited to get these documents- of course, my parents. The story of my graduation will also be told here, but I guess not now. Chao!

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