Friday, September 30, 2011

wifi-connected bus

The power of wifi connection is the reason why I am blogging right now while I am on my way bound to Pangasinan. It  is a bit fast however the problem that may arise is the fact that you cannot charge your laptop's battery here.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wet Weekend

So the typhoon Quiel will make landfall at the Northern Luzon on Saturday afternoon, according to some weather reports. I just hope that this typhoon won't bring big damage to the country particularly to the Northern part of the country. I am hoping that this won't block  me from seeing Lyle this weekend.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Construction On-going: Thesis Proposal

This is the most awesome academic paper that I should produce as a media scholar. I should. I must. I am a few hours away before the deadline and presentation of our baby thesis in class. But here I am still doing cram works again. I hope everything will be into proper place. I cannot afford to have another low grade for this. I can't afford to loose hope. I can't afford to mess up with my post-graduation plans.

I wish myself and my classmates great luck! We can do this!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back on track

So this is my first entry for this month. I do not know why I cannot find time to blog these past few weeks. I maybe so preoccupied by my academics and internship program. Darn, I miss my high school life where life is so easy as compared to college life.