Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Move forward not move on

Many people wanted to "erase" some good memories that they have had with another person, say someone who used to love them or a friend who was dear to them, after a terrible misunderstanding or break-up. Some say they will move on as if nothing happened. This is wrong, I think. It is because moving on and acting as if nothing really happened gives you the opportunity not to grow as a person. The better way to go on with life after a misunderstanding or a break-up with someone who has been part of your life or someone who have made you special, is to move forward.

Moving forward teaches you how to go on with life with something (experience from that that person who left you) that will make you become a better person, stronger than before. You should not forget all the things- sweet or bitter at that, because these are part of learning.

Yes it difficult, yes life is hard, and love can be so irritating and disgustful sometimes, but I am sure that person who have had made you special in every other way, will always be part of your memory, no matter how hard you try to forget about that person.

Edited: 28 April 2011